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Unlocking the Power of HARPA AI: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting SEO

04 December 2023

By Andrew Drue

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If you are looking for a way to improve your SEO performance, you might want to check out HARPA AI, a browser extension that lets you chat, write, summarize, SEO, monitor and automate with AI on any website. HARPA AI is a hybrid AI engine that works with OpenAI GPT-3 & GPT-4 API, ChatGPT, Claude2 and Google Bard to provide best-in-class AI assistant and web automation. In this article, I will show you how HARPA AI can help you with various SEO tasks, such as keyword research, content creation, SEO audit, article outrank and more.


What is HARPA AI and how does it work?


HARPA AI is a Google Chrome extension that you can install for free from the Official WebStore Page. Once you have it installed, you can access HARPA AI on any website by pressing Alt + A or clicking on the HARPA icon in the toolbar. HARPA AI will open a chat window where you can type commands, ask questions, or chat with the AI. HARPA AI can understand natural language and context, and provide relevant responses and suggestions based on the web page you are on.


HARPA AI can also perform web automation tasks, such as monitoring web pages for changes, tracking prices and products, creating web APIs, triggering IFTTT chains, and more. You can switch to the MONITOR tab to set up web automation rules, or use the AUTOMATE tab to create custom web-aware AI commands and workflows.


HARPA AI is powered by a hybrid AI engine that combines GPT (ChatGPT, Bard, ClaudeAI) with Web Automation. GPT is a deep learning model that can generate natural language text based on a given prompt. HARPA AI uses different versions and models of GPT, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, ChatGPT, Claude2 and Google Bard, to provide diverse and high-quality AI assistant and web automation. You can switch the GPT version and model in the SETTINGS tab, or use the /gpt command in the chat window.


How can HARPA AI help you with SEO?


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of web traffic to your website by increasing its visibility and relevance for search engines and users. SEO involves various aspects, such as keyword research, content creation, technical optimization, link building, user experience, and more. HARPA AI can help you with many of these SEO tasks, by using its AI capabilities and web automation features. Here are some examples of how HARPA AI can help you with SEO:


Keyword Research


Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the words and phrases that users type into search engines when looking for information, products, or services related to your website. Keyword research helps you understand the search intent, demand, and competition of your target audience, and helps you optimize your website content and structure accordingly.


HARPA AI can help you with keyword research by extracting SEO keywords from any web page, performing keyword analysis and research, and generating keyword reports. You can use the /seo command in the chat window to access the SEO tools, or use the following commands:

  • /seo extract: This command will extract the SEO keywords from the current web page, and show you the keyword density, frequency, and relevance. You can also specify a URL or a text to extract the keywords from, such as /seo extract or /seo extract “How to use HARPA AI”.

  • /seo research: This command will research the SEO keywords that you provide, and show you the search volume, CPC, competition, and related keywords for each keyword. You can also specify a country or a language to research the keywords for, such as /seo research harpa ai, gpt-3, seo -country:us -lang:en.

  • /seo report: This command will generate a keyword report for the current web page, or the URL or text that you provide. The report will include the extracted keywords, the keyword analysis, and the keyword suggestions. You can also specify a format to generate the report in, such as /seo report -format:pdf.

Content Creation


Content creation is the process of producing and publishing relevant, engaging, and useful content for your website and your target audience. Content creation helps you attract, inform, and persuade your visitors, and increase your website authority, trust, and ranking.


HARPA AI can help you with content creation by writing, rewriting, summarizing, and optimizing text for any web page, email, tweet, social post, article, story, CV, cover letter, poem, todo list, meeting agenda, and more. You can use the /compose or /article command in the chat window to write text in various styles, or use the following commands:


  • /compose: This command will write text for you based on the prompt that you provide. You can also specify a style, a tone, a length, and a language to write the text in, such as /compose Write a catchy headline for this blog post -style:headline -tone:funny -length:10 -lang:en.

  • /article: This command will write an article for you based on the topic, keywords, and outline that you provide. You can also specify a style, a tone, a length, and a language to write the article in, such as /article Topic: How to use HARPA AI for SEO Keywords: harpa ai, seo, gpt-3, keyword research, content creation, seo audit, article outrank Outline: Introduction, Keyword Research, Content Creation, SEO Audit, Article Outrank, Conclusion -style:blog -tone:informal -length:2000 -lang:en.

  • /rewrite: This command will rewrite the text that you provide, or the text that you select on the web page, by rephrasing, correcting, or expanding it. You can also specify a style, a tone, a length, and a language to rewrite the text in, such as /rewrite Rewrite this sentence in a more engaging way -style:engaging -tone:funny -length:15 -lang:en.

  • /summarize: This command will summarize the text that you provide, or the text that you select on the web page, by extracting the key points and main ideas. You can also specify a length and a language to summarize the text in, such as /summarize Summarize this paragraph in one sentence -length:1 -lang:en.

SEO Audit


SEO audit is the process of evaluating and improving the technical, on-page, and off-page aspects of your website that affect its SEO performance. SEO audit helps you identify and fix the issues and errors that prevent your website from ranking well, and optimize your website for better user experience and search engine crawling and indexing.


HARPA AI can help you with SEO audit by performing a comprehensive SEO analysis of any web page, and providing you with a detailed SEO report and recommendations. You can use the /seo audit command in the chat window to access the SEO audit tool, or use the following command:


  • /seo audit: This command will audit the current web page, or the URL that you provide, and show you the SEO score, the SEO issues, and the SEO suggestions. You can also specify a format to generate the audit report in, such as /seo audit -format:pdf.

Article Outrank


Article outrank is the process of creating and publishing better content than your competitors, and outranking them on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Article outrank helps you increase your website traffic, visibility, and authority, and gain a competitive edge in your niche.


HARPA AI can help you with article outrank by analyzing the top-ranking articles for any keyword, and providing you with a content plan and a content template to create a better article. You can use the /seo outrank command in the chat window to access the article outrank tool, or use the following command:

  • /seo outrank: This command will outrank the keyword that you provide, and show you the content plan, the content template, and the content score. You can also specify a country or a language to outrank the keyword for, such as /seo outrank harpa ai -country:us -lang:en.



HARPA AI is a powerful browser extension that lets you chat, write, summarize, SEO, monitor and automate with AI on any website. HARPA AI can help you with various SEO tasks, such as keyword research, content creation, SEO audit, article outrank and more. HARPA AI is powered by a hybrid AI engine that works with OpenAI GPT-3 & GPT-4 API, ChatGPT, Claude2 and Google Bard to provide best-in-class AI assistant and web automation. You can install HARPA AI for free from the Official WebStore Page, and start unlocking the power of HARPA AI for your SEO success.

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